Max Maths, Year 3, Practice, Comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 3 practice exercises, students are tasked with comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000, which helps them understand number value and sequence. The first activity, "Arrange the numbers from smallest to greatest," is left blank for students to fill in with given numbers. This exercise encourages them to think critically about the size of numbers and to place them in ascending order.
The "Let's Practise" section offers a variety of exercises to strengthen pupils' comparison skills. In the first task, children are asked to tick the greater number between two given options. For example, they must choose between 385 and 485, or 46 and 102, and so on, identifying which number is larger. The next activity requires students to write 's' next to the smallest number and 'g' next to the greatest number in a set of three. They are given sets like 190, 962, 721 and 650, 750, 649, and must use the symbols '<' to indicate the order from smallest to greatest. These exercises not only enhance their understanding of numerical order but also help them recognize the significance of place value in determining the size of a number.