Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 (3)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 3 maths lesson, students are tasked with comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000. One of the exercises focuses on identifying the greater number between two options. For example, when comparing 231 and 132, students are guided to observe that 2 hundreds is greater than 1 hundred, leading to the conclusion that 231 is greater than 132. Similarly, when examining 479 and 480, since both numbers have 4 hundreds, the comparison moves to the tens place. Here, 8 tens is greater than 7 tens, making 480 the larger number. In another comparison, 760 versus 765, both numbers have 7 hundreds and 6 tens, so the comparison comes down to the ones place, where 5 ones is greater than 0 ones, indicating that 765 is greater than 760.

The lesson also includes exercises on finding the smaller number between two choices. For instance, when comparing 600 and 499, it's clear that 4 hundreds is less than 6 hundreds, which means 499 is smaller than 600. In another comparison, 972 is pitted against 982; both numbers have 9 hundreds, but the tens place is compared next, revealing that 7 tens is less than 8 tens, and therefore 972 is smaller than 982. These exercises encourage students to understand the value of each digit according to its place value and apply this knowledge to compare numbers effectively. Students can then practice these skills further on workbook pages 14 to 16.