Max Maths, Year 2, Practice, Reading the time to the half hour

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Practice, Reading the time to the half hour
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths programme for Year 2, there's a practical exercise designed to help students master the skill of reading time to the half hour. The activity involves looking at various clocks and writing down the time they display, both in numerical form and spelled out in words. This practice aims to reinforce the students' ability to recognise and articulate time, an essential everyday skill. To complete the exercise, students are directed to workbook pages 180 to 182, where they will find illustrations of clocks showing different times at the half-hour mark.

The clocks are labelled from (a) to (f), each set to a specific time that the students must interpret. For example, if a clock is showing the time at half past three, the student would write "3:30" in numerals and "half past three" in words. This exercise not only helps students become familiar with the concept of half hours but also allows them to practice their number writing and word formation skills. By engaging with this activity, students strengthen their understanding of time and develop confidence in using clocks to plan and organise their daily routines.

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