Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Multiplication as repeated addition

Maths Resource Description
The Max Maths workbook for Year 2 introduces young learners to the concept of multiplication as repeated addition. This fundamental mathematical principle is explored through a series of engaging practice exercises. In Practice 1, students are encouraged to find the total number of various objects such as sweets, eggs, blocks, and coins by using the method of counting on. They are presented with illustrations of these items and are prompted to add up the quantities to determine the total number in each group. This hands-on approach helps to solidify their understanding of how addition relates to multiplication.
Moving on to the subsequent pages, the workbook provides exercises where students complete addition sentences and then rewrite them as multiplication sentences. For example, they might see a group of strawberries and add them in sets to reach a total, which they then express as a multiplication equation. This section also includes real-world applications such as calculating the total number of wheels on cars and tricycles by both addition and multiplication. Further activities involve converting multiplication sentences back into repeated addition to reinforce the relationship between the two operations. Finally, there is a matching exercise where students pair multiplication sentences with their corresponding statements, such as "six times two is twelve," ensuring they understand the verbal expression of multiplication facts.