Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Multiplication as repeated addition (1)

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 2 curriculum, young learners are introduced to the concept of multiplication as repeated addition. This foundational mathematical skill is taught using relatable and visual examples, such as groups of cherries. For instance, the lesson might pose a question like, "These cherries come in 3 groups of 2 cherries. How many cherries are there altogether?" To solve this, children are encouraged to add the groups of cherries together, illustrating that 2 cherries added together three times equals 6 cherries in total.
The lesson further simplifies the process by showing that the repeated addition of 2 cherries, written as 2 + 2 + 2, can be expressed more succinctly as 3 × 2, which also equals 6. This helps students understand that multiplication is a faster way of adding the same number several times. The phrase "Three groups of two make six" is repeated to reinforce the concept, and the lesson invites students to consider if there's another way to represent this relationship, thereby laying the groundwork for a deeper understanding of multiplication as they progress in their mathematical learning journey.