Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, Multiplication as repeated addition (1)

Maths Resource Description
In a Year 2 mathematics lesson from Max Maths, students are introduced to the concept of multiplication as repeated addition. This foundational skill helps young learners see the connection between addition and multiplication, making it easier for them to understand how multiplication works. The "Let's Try It" section provides a practical exercise where students are asked to complete statements about groups of items, in this case, bananas and doughnuts.
For the bananas, students must identify the number of groups and the number of bananas in each group. They then express the total as a sum of repeated additions, which corresponds to a multiplication sentence. Similarly, for the doughnuts, students again count the groups and the number of doughnuts per group, write the total as both repeated addition and multiplication, and finally state the total number of doughnuts. This exercise reinforces the idea that multiplication is simply adding the same number several times and provides an opportunity for students to practice writing and solving multiplication equations.