Max Maths, Year 1, Work Book, Ordinal numbers

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Work Book, Ordinal numbers
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths Year 1 Workbook, young learners are introduced to the concept of ordinal numbers through a series of engaging exercises. Practice 7 focuses on helping children understand and identify the order of objects and animals. The first activity asks students to circle the correct animal according to its position in a sequence. For example, they need to find the third snail, the fifth spider, the eighth chick, and the last animal in a line-up. These exercises are designed to visually represent ordinal positions, reinforcing the sequence of numbers and their corresponding ordinal terms.

Moving on to the second activity, children are presented with a similar task but with a different set of creatures. They are prompted to circle objects like the fourth bird, the tenth tortoise, the fourth ant, and the seventh lizard. The workbook then advances to labeling exercises where students must write the ordinal positions of animals, and complete sentences that describe the relative positions of various animals, such as an elephant being just behind another animal or a duck being just in front of another. The activities culminate in a matching exercise where children connect ordinal words to their numerical position, and a problem-solving section where they use clues to determine the finishing order of a race involving the Max Maths team. These exercises are thoughtfully designed to build confidence in using ordinal numbers in practical and fun ways.