Fractions Sometimes Always Never

Year 6
Fractions Sometimes Always Never
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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In a series of educational slides designed for Year 6 students, the concept of fractions is explored through the "Sometimes, Always, Never" activity. This activity prompts students to critically assess mathematical statements about fractions and categorise them as being either 'sometimes', 'always', or 'never' true. The teacher's guidance suggests that students should seek to find examples or counterexamples to support their decisions. Additionally, the activity is designed to deepen understanding by challenging students to explain the conditions under which 'sometimes' statements hold true, and even to modify these statements to make them unequivocally 'always' or 'never' true.

The statements cover a range of fraction concepts, such as simplifying fractions using the Lowest Common Factor, finding equivalent fractions by performing the same operation on both the numerator and denominator, and methods for comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. One statement, for example, proposes that to find the fraction of a quantity, one must divide the quantity by the numerator and multiply by the denominator, prompting discussion about the accuracy of this method. Each statement is an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge, use mathematical vocabulary, and engage in reasoning. The activity is designed as an excellent starter to lessons, stimulating thought and discussion among students about the properties and operations of fractions.

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