Adding and subtracting fractions worksheet

Year 6
Adding and subtracting fractions worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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Designed for KS2 students, this engaging worksheet focuses on the essential mathematical skill of adding and subtracting fractions. In Activity 1, students are encouraged to actively engage with proper fractions by selecting digit cards and performing addition or subtraction operations. To reinforce their understanding and accuracy, children are then prompted to swap their calculations with peers for cross-checking. A creative twist is offered through a variation where digit cards ranging from 0-9 can be used to form mixed numbers, thus adding complexity to the task.

Activity 2 shifts from numerical exercises to a more visual and creative approach. Children are provided with large sheets of plain paper and coloured marker pens to design a poster that outlines the steps for adding and subtracting fractions. This activity not only consolidates their understanding but also taps into their artistic skills. For those with a musical flair, there's an alternative option to compose a rap that encapsulates the procedural steps, making the learning process fun and memorable. In Activity 3, the focus is on reverse-engineering the process; students select a proper fraction digit card, which serves as the solution to an unknown addition or subtraction calculation. Using whiteboards and pens, they must then deduce as many different calculations as possible that result in the given answer. Once again, a variation is provided where single digit number cards can be incorporated to create mixed numbers, further challenging the students. The objectives of these activities are clear: to enhance the ability to add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers, all while reinforcing the concept of equivalent fractions.

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