Vocabulary Quiz - Statistics

Year 5
Vocabulary Quiz - Statistics
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

The Year 5 Statistics Vocabulary Quiz is an educational resource designed to test students' understanding of key statistical terms. For instance, Question 1 asks, "What is a timetable?" The correct answer is "B: a table showing events organised according to a time schedule," which refers to a chart that outlines the timing of various events. This type of question helps students distinguish between different types of tables and charts that are commonly used in data representation.

Further questions delve into more specific statistical concepts. Question 2 defines a term as "a collection of information gathered by observation, questioning or measurement," to which the correct answer is "C: the data," highlighting the fundamental element of statistics which is the data itself. Question 3 introduces the concept of a frequency table, which is "A: a table that lists items and shows the number of times the items occur," emphasizing the importance of tracking the occurrence of various items within a dataset. The quiz continues with similar questions, each designed to assess and reinforce students' comprehension of statistical vocabulary through multiple-choice questions.

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