Vocabulary Quiz - Measurement: Area, Perimeter and Length

Year 5
Vocabulary Quiz - Measurement: Area, Perimeter and Length
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

This engaging vocabulary quiz is designed to test Year 5 students' understanding of measurement terms related to length, area, and perimeter. The first question asks when the symbol cm² is used, with the correct answer being when the area of a shape has been calculated using centimetres. The next question tests the students' knowledge of basic algebra, asking what l x b means, with the correct response being to multiply the length by the breadth of a shape. The quiz continues to challenge students with a question about the meaning of cm³, which stands for centimetres cubed, a term used in the context of volume.

Further questions delve into more specific terminology, such as identifying the measurement of space inside a 2-Dimensional shape as 'area', and defining 'rectilinear' as a shape that has straight sides and right angles. Students are also quizzed on the definition of 'perimeter', which is the measurement of the distance around the outside of a 2-Dimensional shape. The term 'convert' is explained as changing a value or expression from one form to another, and the quiz explains that a shape made up of two or more geometric shapes is known as a composite or compound shape. The concept of 'breadth' is clarified as the width of a shape, describing the distance from the right side to the left side. Lastly, students learn about 'imperial units', which refer to the traditional system of weights and measures used officially in Great Britain from 1824 until the adoption of the metric system beginning in 1965.