Loop Card Game Instructions

Year 3
Loop Card Game Instructions
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

Loop card games are a dynamic and engaging way to encourage pupils to practice their mental calculation skills and recall of mathematical facts. To play this game, you'll need a set of loop cards and a large timer that can be displayed for the entire class to see, such as on an Interactive whiteboard. Each set contains 36 cards, and if your class has fewer than 36 pupils, some children will need to hold more than one card to ensure all cards are in play.

The game starts when a pupil reads aloud the question on their card. The pupil holding the card with the corresponding correct answer then reads it out. This pupil immediately follows by reading the question on their own card, prompting another pupil to respond, and so on. This process continues until the loop is completed, meaning the answer to the first question read has been given, creating a full circle of questions and answers. Loop card games are designed so that every card is used and the sequence neatly returns to the start. To add a competitive element, the game can be timed, with subsequent rounds challenging the class to beat their previous time. Some children may need additional adult support during the game. It's beneficial to establish some ground rules before starting, such as maintaining silence unless reading or answering a question, not sharing answers, speaking clearly and at a sensible pace, and offering support to one another. If a question goes unanswered for too long, the teacher can prompt the class to provide the answer, ensuring the game's flow is maintained.