Four in Four - Division Set O 3 digit number - 3, 5, 7 or 9 mixed

Maths Resource Description
The "Four in Four" worksheets by KS2Gems present a series of division challenges for Year 4 students, designed to test their mathematical proficiency with three-digit numbers divided by 3, 5, 7, or 9. Each sheet contains four division problems, and the task is to complete all calculations within a four-minute time frame. The questions are a mixture of straightforward divisions and those that result in remainders, ensuring that students can not only divide but also understand the concept of a division not always resulting in a whole number.
The exercises are structured to encourage speed and accuracy, with each sheet offering a different set of calculations to ensure a broad range of practice. For example, Sheet 1 includes problems such as 250 ÷ 3 and 180 ÷ 9, while Sheet 2 presents challenges like 371 ÷ 9 and 317 ÷ 7. The answer key is provided separately, allowing students or educators to check the results. The answers indicate the quotient and, where applicable, the remainder, exemplifying the correct format for expressing incomplete divisions. This series of worksheets serves as an excellent tool for reinforcing division skills in a timed, engaging format.