Time Cards - 1pm - 6.59pm

Maths Resource Description
The Time Cards are a comprehensive set of cards designed to help Year 6 students become proficient in reading and understanding time in the afternoon hours, specifically from 1:00 pm to 6:59 pm. Each card displays a time in one-minute increments, starting at 1:00 pm and moving through to just before 7:00 pm. The times are laid out in a clear and orderly fashion, making it easy for students to follow and learn the sequence of minutes past each hour. These cards are an excellent resource for teachers to use in classroom activities, enabling students to practice telling the time accurately and confidently.
Throughout the series of Time Cards, students are exposed to various times, including those that may be less commonly referenced, such as 1:03 pm or 6:57 pm. This detailed approach ensures that students are not only able to read the more straightforward times, such as those on the hour or half-hour but are also comfortable with the more challenging times that fall in between. By working with these cards, students will develop a strong foundation in time-telling skills, an essential competency for their daily lives and academic success. The cards are thoughtfully produced by KS2Gems, a provider of educational resources, to support the learning and development of Key Stage 2 pupils.