Time word Cards

Maths Resource Description
Time word cards are an educational resource designed to help children learn and understand the concept of time. These cards display various times throughout the day, starting with the whole hours from 1 o'clock to 12 o'clock. Each card clearly states the time, enabling students to familiarize themselves with the clock face and the positioning of the hour hand at each hour.
Additionally, the set includes cards that depict half-hour and quarter-hour increments, such as 'half past' and 'quarter past' the hour, for every hour from 1 to 12. These help children grasp the concept of 30 minutes and 15 minutes past the hour, respectively. The collection further extends to include times that are 'quarter to', 'five past', 'ten past', 'fifteen minutes past', 'twenty past', 'twenty five past', 'twenty five to', 'twenty to', 'fifteen minutes to', 'ten to', and 'five to' the hour. This comprehensive set of time word cards is a valuable tool for teaching time-telling skills in an engaging and straightforward manner.