Decimals - Subtracting Decimals within 1 - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In this Year 5 lesson, students delve into the concept of subtracting decimals within the range of 1, a skill critical for their mathematical development. The lesson utilises a variety of resources including place value counters, charts, worksheets, and a presentation to facilitate learning. The lesson begins with a recap of previous knowledge where students are expected to understand and provide examples of decimals within 1. They then engage in activities that use a place value grid to help them visualise and carry out the subtraction of decimal numbers, ensuring they grasp the importance of the place value system in this process.
The children are encouraged to transition from the concrete use of place value counters to an abstract approach, though some may still require the tangible support of the place value chart and counters to aid their calculations. As they work through the presentation activities, they practice writing calculations on whiteboards and using number lines to ensure decimal places are correctly aligned. Differentiated worksheets offer independent practice, and the lesson concludes with reflective questions that help students consolidate their learning. The lesson differentiation caters to various levels of understanding, from those working towards grasping single decimal place subtraction, to those at expected level who deal with exchanging between decimal places, and finally, to those at greater depth who compare complex subtraction calculations.