Decimals - Subtracting Decimals within 1 - Starter
Maths Resource Description
In a Year 5 mathematics lesson, children delve into the world of decimals, focusing on subtracting decimals within one. The lesson begins with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, which challenges students to subtract a complex number consisting of thousands, tens, and ones from another number that includes hundreds and ones. This activity is designed to consolidate their understanding of place value and the subtraction process. Students are then presented with a place value chart and asked to identify a decimal number and calculate one hundredth more than the given number, further enhancing their decimal comprehension.
Building on their knowledge of place value, the students are tasked with adding together place value counters representing thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones, which helps them visualise the addition process and the concept of exchanging in larger calculations. The lesson also includes a matching activity where students link fractions with their correct representations, reinforcing their understanding of the relationship between fractions and decimals. Throughout the lesson, students are encouraged to articulate the reasons behind their mathematical processes, such as why they need to exchange when numbers exceed certain place values, thereby deepening their conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction with decimals.