Decimals and Percentages - Thousandths as Decimals - Starter

Year 5
Decimals and Percentages - Thousandths as Decimals - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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This educational resource provides a variety of exercises aimed at Year 5 students to enhance their understanding of decimals and percentages, focusing on representing thousandths as decimals. The material includes a 'Fluent in Four' revision section where students tackle mathematical problems involving fractions, such as subtracting and simplifying them to understand their decimal equivalents. The exercises are designed to be challenging and encourage students to apply their knowledge of fractions and decimals in a timed setting, promoting fluency and accuracy in their calculations.

Additionally, the resource offers practical activities where students estimate the number of triangle sticky notes needed to create given shapes, fostering spatial awareness and estimation skills. Another engaging task requires pupils to write down the coordinates for specific points on a grid, reinforcing their understanding of the Cartesian coordinate system. To deepen their comprehension of decimal numbers, students are asked to complete a table that breaks down decimals into base 10 representations, expanded form, and words—such as converting 2.138 into 2 wholes, 1 tenth, 3 hundredths, and 8 thousandths. These varied exercises are designed to consolidate the pupils' knowledge of decimals and percentages in an interactive and enjoyable way.

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