Decimals and Percentages - Thousandths as Decimals - Presentation
Maths Resource Description
In this set of teaching slides for Year 5, students delve into the concept of thousandths as decimals, a part of the broader topic of Decimals and Percentages. The lesson begins with a discussion prompt that asks students to consider the number of decimal places in a number containing thousandths, leading to the understanding that there should be three. The first activity introduces the concept of thousandths by using a place value chart and counters to represent numbers. Students are then tasked with writing these numbers as decimals, such as converting 7 ones, 4 tenths, 1 hundredth, and 3 thousandths into a decimal form.
Further activities include identifying the decimal representation of numbers that arrows point to on a number line and converting them into mixed numbers. For example, students write 2.018 as both a decimal and as 2 18/1000. In reasoning exercises, they explore different ways to record numbers using a set number of counters and a place value chart, determining the largest and smallest numbers possible. The lesson also challenges students to validate the correctness of different representations of the number 0.603 by three children, encouraging them to explain their reasoning. Independent work reinforces the learning objectives by having students record numbers from counters or a number line as decimals and mixed numbers, and discuss the value and representation of these numbers on a place value chart.