Decimals and Percentages - Thousandths as Decimals - Worksheet

Year 5
Decimals and Percentages - Thousandths as Decimals - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The worksheets provided delve into the concept of thousandths as decimals, offering a variety of exercises to enhance students' understanding of decimals and their relationship with tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. Students are encouraged to represent decimals in numerous ways, discovering deeper mathematical connections and utilising place value charts and counters to visualise thousandths as decimals. The number lines used in the exercises have intervals already marked, aiding in the accurate representation of these small decimal fractions.

Further challenging the students, the worksheets include reasoning and problem-solving tasks that require a solid grasp of the decimal system. For example, students might be asked to determine the largest and smallest number they can create with a given number of counters on a place value chart, or to identify the correct representation of a decimal among different options provided by fictional students. These exercises not only reinforce the students' fluency and precision with decimals but also develop their analytical skills by interpreting and solving more complex problems involving the representation and conversion of decimals and mixed numbers.

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