Fractions - Fractions greater than 1 - Starter

Year 5
Fractions - Fractions greater than 1 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 5 mathematics session focusing on fractions greater than 1, students begin with a "Fluent in Four" revision exercise. This warm-up includes a series of mental arithmetic tasks, such as solving the equation '13 past 5', which translates to the division problem '63 ÷ 7', and finding the result of doubling 123 then dividing by half of 6. The purpose of these exercises is to consolidate their arithmetic skills and prepare them for the day's learning.

The main activities of the lesson involve understanding and working with fractions. Students are tasked with matching fractions to their correct visual representations, reinforcing their ability to interpret fractions in different formats. Another exercise requires them to use comparison symbols to compare the results of division problems, such as '8,600 ÷ 100' with '860 ÷ 10', helping them to see the relationship between division and fractions. Additionally, the lesson includes a number line completion activity, where students must use their knowledge of fractions to correctly place numbers like '10/4' and '45/100' in the appropriate positions, further developing their understanding of fractions and their equivalence.

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