Length and Perimeter - Measure length m - Presentation

Year 3
Length and Perimeter - Measure length m - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of interactive teaching slides, students are encouraged to explore the concepts of length and perimeter, focusing on the measurement of length in metres (m). The lesson revisits the basics of measuring length and height, prompting students to convert between metres, centimetres (cm), and millimetres (mm) through engaging questions such as how many centimetres are in a metre and how many millimetres make up a metre. The slides encourage students to visualise the length of a metre, compare it to a centimetre, and decide whether various objects should be measured in centimetres or metres. This helps students understand the practical application of different units of measurement.

Further activities involve hands-on learning where students use a metre stick to measure objects within the classroom, categorising them as longer or shorter than a metre. They also count up in 10 cm blocks, discovering that 100 cm is equivalent to 1 metre. Students are tasked with measuring the length of the school hall and recording it in both metres and centimetres, with the understanding that the results will vary based on the actual dimensions of each school hall. The lesson also includes reasoning exercises, such as estimating how far one can run in 10 seconds compared to Usain Bolt's 100m sprint time, and deciding which objects are best measured in centimetres or metres. To assist with problem-solving, students are prompted to discuss how to measure lengths that exceed the length of a metre stick, encouraging them to think creatively about measurement strategies.

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