Length and Perimeter - Measure length m - Starter

Year 3
Length and Perimeter - Measure length m - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Within the Year 3 curriculum for the Spring Term, Week 8, Day 2, students are presented with a series of practical mathematics activities. One task involves understanding and manipulating numbers to solve subtraction problems. For example, they are challenged to subtract a combination of hundreds, tens, and ones from another similar combination, honing their skills in basic arithmetic. Another problem requires them to subtract a two-digit number from a range between 10 to 12, further developing their mental subtraction capabilities.

The lesson also includes a real-world application of measuring lengths, as students are asked to consider a factory that produces ribbons of various colours and sizes. Red ribbons measure 21 cm and 6 mm in width, blue ribbons are 26 cm and 1 mm wide, and green ribbons are 24 cm and 3 mm wide. Students must arrange the lengths of these ribbons in ascending order, which not only tests their ability to compare and order measurements but also to convert between centimetres and millimetres. Additionally, there is a practical counting exercise where students count the total number of apples picked from two trees, with one tree having 34 apples and the other 19, to find the total number of apples collected by Rosie.

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