Length and Perimeter - Measure length m - Worksheet

Year 3
Length and Perimeter - Measure length m - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In this engaging lesson, students in Year 6 explore the concepts of length and perimeter, specifically focusing on measuring lengths in metres. The National Curriculum objective is to enable students to choose and use standard units such as metres and centimetres to estimate and measure various dimensions. They will use tools like rulers, scales, thermometers, and measuring vessels to determine measurements to the nearest appropriate unit. The lesson requires differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and a metre stick as resources. Students will learn key vocabulary terms like 'measure', 'length', 'centimetre', 'metre', 'convert', and 'units'. They will start by measuring larger objects in metres, discussing when to use metres over centimetres without converting between the two but understanding that 100 centimetres equal 1 metre.

Students will engage in practical activities that involve using a metre stick to measure objects around the classroom, categorising them as longer or shorter than a metre. They will also measure the length of a hall or room in their school in metres and centimetres. The activities are designed to help students appreciate the efficiency of using metres for longer objects and distances. Key questions prompt students to think about appropriate measurement units and the equipment needed for measuring longer objects. In addition to fluency and precision tasks, there are reasoning and problem-solving exercises where students must decide whether to use centimetres or metres for different objects and explain how to measure lengths that exceed the size of their metre stick. This holistic approach ensures students not only practise measurement but also develop critical thinking skills.

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