Fractions - Problem solving with fractions - Presentation

Year 2
Fractions - Problem solving with fractions - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a comprehensive presentation on problem-solving with fractions, students are introduced to various methods of visualising and calculating with fractions. The slides guide learners through a series of problems that require them to apply their understanding of fractions in practical scenarios. One such problem asks students to determine what one half of a certain number is, given that half is equal to four. The presentation suggests drawing the problem or using counters to visualise the fractions, reinforcing the concept that one half of eight is four, as demonstrated with the equation 4 + 4 = 8. This visual and interactive approach helps students grasp the concept of fractions in a tangible way.

As the lesson continues, more complex problems are introduced, such as figuring out the total number of apples Tia has if she gives half away and is left with eight. Students are encouraged to draw representations to better understand the problems. The presentation walks through the process of deducing that if one half equals eight apples, the total must be sixteen. Similar strategies are used for problems involving quarters, such as determining how many pears Zach has if one quarter is known to be five. By drawing all four quarters and calculating the sum, students find that Zach has twenty pears. These exercises not only teach fractions but also reinforce addition and the concept of equal parts, providing a solid foundation for problem-solving with fractions.

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