Fractions - Problem solving with fractions - Planning

Year 2
Fractions - Problem solving with fractions - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The Year 2 curriculum for Spring includes a week dedicated to enhancing students' understanding of fractions, particularly focusing on problem-solving. The National Curriculum objectives for this period aim to ensure that students can recognise, find, name, and write fractions such as 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, and 3/4 of various entities, including lengths, shapes, sets of objects, or quantities. Key vocabulary terms such as 'fraction', 'whole', 'half', 'quarter', 'total', 'altogether', 'number sentence', and 'bar model' are emphasised to facilitate the students' grasp of the concepts. The lesson plan outlines a structured approach beginning with a recap of previous learning, followed by class teaching input, independent learning exercises, and a concluding plenary session.

During the lesson, students are encouraged to apply their knowledge of fractions to solve problems. They start by defining a fraction and addressing any misconceptions. Using visual aids such as a bar chart and practical tools like whiteboards and counters, students learn to interpret and solve fraction problems. For example, they may be presented with a problem like 'half of something equals 4' and asked to determine the whole. The lesson progresses with paired discussions, practical representations of problems, and guided problem-solving, ensuring students understand each step and the rationale behind it. The lesson aims to build confidence in identifying key information within a problem, representing fractions visually, and reasoning through to a solution. The learning experience is differentiated to cater to varying levels of depth in understanding fractions, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth through more complex multi-step problems.

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