Fractions - Count in fractions - Planning

Year 2
Fractions - Count in fractions - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 2 classroom, students embark on a journey through the world of fractions during their Spring term. The curriculum objective for this particular week is to recognise, find, name, and write fractions such as 1/3, 1/4, 2/2, and 3/4 of various entities including lengths, shapes, sets of objects, or quantities. The key vocabulary words introduced and reinforced throughout the unit are 'fraction', 'count', 'sequence', 'same', 'equal to', 'half', 'quarters', and 'thirds'. To support the lesson, resources such as a presentation, worksheets, whiteboards with pens, and folded paper are utilised. The lesson begins with a starter activity where children complete a set of questions to review their understanding of fractions, leading into the main lesson where they will learn to count in fractions.

The lesson is structured into several activities, starting with observing sequences of images to identify the fractions of 'A' blocks and predicting the next image in the sequence. The second activity involves using a fraction number line and shading the correct number of parts on blank rectangles split in half. Children are encouraged to use folded paper to visualise the fractions and understand the relationships between them. In the third activity, they complete a number line and engage in paired discussions to compare and contrast their findings. The lesson also includes reasoning challenges where students predict the next fraction in a sequence and discuss the concept of equivalent fractions. The plenary session includes a 'Give me five' reflection activity, encouraging students to articulate what they've learned, the skills they've used, and any challenges they faced. The lesson differentiates tasks for varying levels of understanding, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth, each with a focus on identifying and explaining patterns in fractions.

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