Addition and subtraction - Find and make number bonds - Presentation

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Find and make number bonds - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a series of engaging lessons focused on addition and subtraction, students are taught to find and make number bonds to 100, with a particular emphasis on multiples of ten. The lessons utilise ten frames as a visual aid to help students understand the concept of number bonds. For example, ten frames are used to show how 50 can be represented and how it relates to the number bonds to 10. Students are encouraged to discuss and identify multiples of ten and to explore the similarity between number bonds to 10 and 100. The exercises are designed to reinforce the understanding that number bonds to 100 are essentially multiples of ten added together to reach a total of 100.

As the lessons progress, students engage in various activities that include matching ten frames to number sentences and filling in missing numbers to complete equations. These activities are designed to develop fluency in recognizing and forming number bonds to 100. Additionally, reasoning tasks challenge students to consider the number of possible bonds for different multiples of ten and to predict patterns. For example, they explore the concept that the number of bonds for a given tens digit can be predicted based on previous patterns observed. The lessons culminate with independent work where students write calculations represented by ten frames, match ten frames to calculations, and complete grids where each column and row equals a specific total, fostering a deeper understanding of number bonds and the relationships between numbers.

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