Addition and subtraction - Find and make number bonds - Planning

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Find and make number bonds - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Year 2 curriculum focusing on Autumn Addition and Subtraction during Week 2, the lesson plan targets the national curriculum objectives of recalling and using addition and subtraction facts up to 20 with fluency, and deriving related facts up to 100. Students will engage with adding and subtracting using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mental strategies. They'll tackle two-digit numbers with ones and tens, as well as adding three one-digit numbers. The aim is to equip students with the ability to solve problems involving addition and subtraction, applying their growing knowledge of both mental and written methods. The key vocabulary for this unit includes terms such as addition, subtraction, number bonds, and more, which are essential for understanding the concepts taught.

The lesson on 'Bonds to 100 (Tens)' encourages children to identify and add multiples of ten within the number range up to 100, establishing a connection between single-digit bonds and tens bonds. Oral counting in 10s and visual aids such as ten frames and counting sticks are used to reinforce the concept. The lesson includes partner work, where students use ten frames to illustrate their understanding of number bonds, and practical activities that allow them to create calculations up to 100. They are also introduced to the concept of 'teen' versus 'ty' numbers to clarify common misconceptions about place value. Independent learning is supported by differentiated worksheets, and the plenary includes reflective questions to assess understanding and retention of the lesson's objectives. The lesson plan is designed to cater to different levels of proficiency, from working towards expected standards to achieving greater depth in the subject matter.

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