Multiplication and division - Count in 2s - Worksheet

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Count in 2s - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The worksheet titled "Count in 2s" is designed to enhance children's understanding of multiplication and division through the concept of skip counting by twos. The exercise begins with a fluency task where children are prompted to shade in multiples of 2 on a grid that lists numbers from 1 to 50. This visual representation aids in recognising patterns and reinforces the concept of even numbers. To further apply their knowledge, children complete number lines by counting in twos, filling in the missing numbers to demonstrate their grasp of the sequence.

In addition to fluency and precision, the worksheet incorporates reasoning and problem-solving activities. Children are presented with practical scenarios, such as counting eggs or wheels in sets of two, and they must calculate the total quantities. This real-life application of multiplication helps to solidify their numerical understanding. The problem-solving section challenges students to determine who has seen the most eggs by comparing quantities in different scenarios and encourages them to explain the observed pattern when counting in twos. By engaging in these exercises, children develop a stronger foundation in basic arithmetic and reasoning skills.

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