Multiplication and division - Count in 2s - Presentation

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Count in 2s - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The lesson on multiplication, specifically counting in 2s, begins with a simple exercise where students continue a sequence starting from zero, encouraging them to notice the pattern that emerges. As they discuss and count in 2s, starting from numbers like 2, 4, 6, 8, they begin to see the regularity in the sequence. The lesson includes various activities that involve counting in pairs, such as counting pairs of socks or gloves, helping students to visualise and understand the concept of multiplication by 2. For example, they may be asked to determine how many socks there are in total if there are 34 socks, or the total number of gloves when given a certain amount.

Further activities involve counting in 2s on a grid with numbers up to 50, where students are asked to describe the pattern they see and think about why this pattern occurs. This visual representation solidifies their understanding of even numbers and the concept of counting by twos. Additionally, students complete number lines by counting in 2s, allowing them to practice and recognise patterns, such as the ending digits being 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. The lesson also includes reasoning tasks, like counting in 2s backwards and determining who will reach a certain number first when counting from different starting points. Independent work further reinforces the concept, with tasks like colouring multiples of 2 and representing totals in tens frames. Discussions prompt students to explore different aspects of counting in pairs and to identify patterns, enhancing their understanding of basic multiplication.

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