Multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals with up to two decimal places by 10 or 100 [C6]
![Multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals with up to two decimal places by 10 or 100 [C6]](

Maths Resource Description
The resource provided is a set of mathematics exercises aimed at Key Stage 2 students, focusing on the multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals with up to two decimal places by 10 or 100. These exercises are designed to enhance students' understanding of place value and scaling in the context of numerical operations. The activities involve various problems where students need to apply their knowledge to either multiply or divide numbers, adjusting the decimal point accordingly to obtain the correct answer. The resource includes a range of problems with different levels of complexity to cater to varying abilities within the classroom.
Accompanying the numerical problems are key vocabulary terms such as 'approximate', 'area', 'triangle', 'square', 'length', 'perpendicular', 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'diagonal', and 'formula', which are essential for understanding the concepts being taught. The exercises encourage students to engage in partner discussions, group work, and independent practice, allowing them to explore these mathematical concepts in a collaborative and supportive environment. The resource also highlights common misconceptions that may arise, ensuring that teachers can address these effectively during the lesson. The aim is to build confidence and proficiency in manipulating numbers and understanding the geometric properties related to area calculation.