Cops and Robbers! - Why do we recycle?

Year 1
Cops and Robbers! - Why do we recycle?
Focus Education
Focus Education

Geography Resource Description

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In an interactive classroom activity called "Cops and Robbers," children are encouraged to engage with the concept of recycling through a collaborative and fun exercise. The activity is designed for groups of four, where each child begins by taking two minutes to jot down everything they can recall about recycling on the left side of a table. This initial phase allows them to independently reflect on their existing knowledge of the subject.

Following this, the game introduces an element of teamwork and knowledge sharing. Each child is given 60 seconds to review the information recorded by their peers, searching for any new or different points that they haven't noted themselves. They then 'steal' this knowledge by adding it to the 'stolen knowledge' section of their table. This part of the activity not only promotes learning from one another but also introduces a competitive edge, as each new piece of information 'stolen' scores the child two points. The entire game is designed to be fast-paced and engaging, lasting approximately 15 minutes, and it serves to reinforce the importance and methods of recycling in a memorable way.

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