Show it! - Recycling - Year 1

Geography Resource Description
At the culmination of a Year 1 recycling topic, students are encouraged to showcase their understanding of why recycling is important. This demonstration of learning allows children to actively engage in presenting their newfound knowledge to their peers. The presentations can take various forms, catering to different learning styles and preferences. One effective method is for the teaching staff to compile a PowerPoint presentation that encapsulates the key points and activities from the learning journey. This visual representation provides a platform for children to reflect on and share the progress they have made throughout the topic.
In a specific focus on plastic recycling, teachers are advised to document the students' learning experiences through photographs. These images can then be incorporated into a PowerPoint presentation. The children are given the opportunity to articulate their thoughts and learning by discussing each photograph in the presentation. This interactive approach not only reinforces the children's knowledge but also helps to develop their public speaking and presentation skills. By engaging with the visual evidence of their activities, students can better understand the recycling process and the impact of their actions on the environment.