Who lives close to the Amazon - Info sheet

Year 5
Who lives close to the Amazon - Info sheet
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The Brazilian Amazon is a vast and vibrant ecosystem that serves as a home to an estimated 20 million individuals, including 400 indigenous groups. These communities have inhabited the Amazon for countless generations, fostering a profound spiritual and cultural bond with the forest. Despite urban expansion, many of these groups maintain a traditional lifestyle within the jungle, with some remaining isolated from external contact. The forest is not merely their habitat but also provides essential resources for their survival, such as food, materials for shelter, tools, and natural medicines derived from the rich biodiversity around them.

These indigenous populations live in harmony with the environment, employing sustainable practices that offer valuable lessons in conservation. For example, the Waimiri Atroari tribe utilises 32 distinct plant species to create their hunting gear, each chosen for its unique properties. However, their way of life is under threat from logging activities that infringe upon their ancestral lands, putting their cultural heritage and existence at risk. Communities like the Deni of Amazonas state are actively working to safeguard their traditions and the forest they rely on. The Amazon's untouched wilderness is not only critical for its inhabitants but is also a treasure trove of medicinal plants, some of which form the foundation of contemporary medicines, while others hold untapped potential for treating serious illnesses.