Where are the world's most famous rainforests situated?

Year 5
Where are the world's most famous rainforests situated? - Presentation
Where are the world's most famous rainforests situated? - Teacher notes
Locate on a map - Rainforests of the world
Guyana's rainforest - Notes sheet
Amazon rainforest - Info sheet
What do we know about the Amazon - Prompts
Who lives close to the Amazon - Info sheet
10 interesting facts about the people of the Amazon - Worksheet
Where are the world's most famous rainforests situated? - Presentation
Resource 1/8
Where are the world's most famous rainforests situated? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
Year 5 Geography lesson from the unit Rainforests. This lesson uses an enquiry-approach method, and will facilitate students answering the question 'Where are the world's most famous rainforests situated?'