Cops and robbers - What are the main features of a tundra?

Geography Resource Description
The "Cops and robbers" activity is an interactive group exercise designed to encourage students to share and expand their knowledge on a given topic. In this particular instance, the subject of focus is the main features of a tundra biome. The activity is structured for groups of four pupils, where each participant starts by taking two minutes to individually jot down everything they can recall about the tundra's characteristics on the left side of a table. This initial step emphasizes personal recall and serves as a basis for the knowledge exchange that follows.
After the initial recall phase, each pupil is allotted 60 seconds to review the notes of the other three group members. During this time, they are on the lookout for any information they may have missed in their own notes. This collaborative element of the activity is where the 'cops and robbers' theme comes into play, as students 'steal' knowledge from their peers. They then add this newly acquired information to the 'stolen knowledge' section of their table. The activity is gamified by awarding two points for each new piece of information recorded, incentivizing thorough and attentive participation. Overall, the entire process is designed to take around 15 minutes, facilitating a dynamic and engaging learning experience about the tundra biome and its defining features.