Progression pedagogy - Biomes - Year 4

Geography Resource Description
In a Year 4 educational programme centred around biomes, students explore the concept of biomes and the processes by which they are formed. The unit is structured to enhance the pupils' ability to acquire and retain knowledge through a systematic approach known as 'link it, learn it, check it, show it, and know it'. This pedagogical framework is designed to ensure that learning is progressive and that students can make connections, engage with the material, assess their understanding, demonstrate their knowledge, and ultimately solidify their learning.
At the beginning of the unit, 'Before the learning', students are encouraged to make connections with prior knowledge or related topics, setting the stage for new information. 'During the learning', they delve into the specifics of biomes, such as the different types and the climatic and geographical factors that contribute to their formation. 'At the end of the learning', students check their understanding through various assessment methods. 'After the learning', they are given opportunities to 'show it' by applying what they have learned in practical or creative ways, and 'know it' where the focus is on reinforcing and remembering key information. This structured approach, detailed in the 'Five stages of learning and remembering' document provided by Focus Education, is integral to the learning experience in this unit on biomes.