Knowledge organiser - Biomes - Year 4

Geography Resource Description
The Year 4 Geography knowledge organiser provides essential information about biomes, a term that refers to large regions on Earth each with a distinct climate and characteristic living organisms. It introduces students to various biomes such as tundra and desert, highlighting their unique attributes. The tundra is described as a cold, frozen environment with a limited period suitable for growth, whereas the desert is defined by its scarcity of rainfall. Additionally, students learn about landscapes, which are sections of Earth's surface visible from a single location, and the marine biome, which encompasses vast water bodies like oceans. Grasslands are also mentioned, characterized by their expansive stretches of grass and minimal tree presence.
Key knowledge points for the students include understanding the similarities and differences between tundras and deserts, identifying the location of tundras globally, recognizing the world's most notable and largest deserts, and describing the primary characteristics of a tundra. The organiser also aims to educate pupils on how humans have adapted to live in these extreme environments. Additionally, students are expected to list the main differences between a tundra and a desert. This knowledge organiser sets the stage for the main learning focus on biomes, particularly tundras and deserts, building upon the prior knowledge students may have. The organiser serves as an educational tool provided by Focus Education to enhance the understanding of these significant ecological areas.