Word sorts - Equator, South Pole and North Pole

Geography Resource Description
Students are encouraged to engage in a word sort activity, where they work in pairs to categorize a list of words based on their relevance to the Equator, South Pole, or North Pole. The task is to identify six words that are associated with these geographical locations and distinguish them from words that are not related. Each pair is awarded one point for every correct association they make. They are given a total of 10 minutes to complete this task, which not only tests their knowledge of the characteristics of these regions but also their ability to collaborate and communicate effectively.
During the activity, students are asked to put a circle around the words that are connected to the Equator, South Pole, or North Pole. The list includes a variety of words such as 'meerkat', 'France', 'Australia', 'igloos', 'hot', 'apples', 'sunny', 'penguins', 'desert', 'hailstones', 'fruit', and 'stars'. The exercise prompts critical thinking as students must consider the climate, fauna, and other features unique to these areas. In addition, the activity is designed to spark curiosity and discussion about why certain places on Earth experience consistent weather patterns, such as perpetual warmth at the Equator or continuous cold at the poles, leading to a deeper understanding of global geography and climate science.