Penguins - Questions

Year 1
Penguins - Questions
Focus Education
Focus Education

Geography Resource Description

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Curious minds might be surprised to learn that there are 17 different types of penguins populating our planet. These flightless birds are not all the same; they come in various sizes and live in a range of habitats. Among these diverse species, there is one that stands out for its diminutive stature – the smallest penguin. In an interactive part of the learning, students are encouraged to recall which species holds this title. Additionally, they are prompted to ponder their personal preference for a favourite penguin, fostering a connection with the subject matter.

Beyond just identifying favourites, students are tasked with choosing one penguin species to delve deeper into through research. This activity not only enhances their knowledge about a specific penguin but also hones their research skills. The lesson also touches on broader environmental concepts, prompting students to consider why certain regions of the world experience perpetual warmth while others are perpetually cold. This leads to an exploration of the types of animals that are adapted to live in these extreme climates, be it the scorching heat or the freezing cold, and how these conditions influence the biodiversity of our planet.

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