Meerkats - Worksheet

Geography Resource Description
This worksheet from Focus Education (UK) Ltd prompts students to explore the habitat and behaviours of meerkats, as well as to consider the different climates around the world and the animals adapted to live in them. The questions encourage children to think about why meerkats are not found at the extreme climates of the North or South Poles and to understand the reasons behind their vigilant behaviour. Meerkats are constantly on the lookout primarily because they are prey for birds of prey. Their proximity to burrows allows them a quick escape, reducing the distance they need to run to safety in the event of an aerial threat.
The worksheet continues to challenge students to identify the natural habitat of meerkats, offering a choice between the desert and the jungle, and between two continents, Europe and Africa. It further asks about the natural habitat of penguins, contrasting their polar environment with the typically hot climates where meerkats are found. In addressing these questions, students are led to consider broader ecological concepts, such as why some regions of the world are perpetually hot or cold and what types of animals are naturally found in these varying environments. This encourages an understanding of animal adaptations and the importance of climate in determining the distribution of wildlife across the globe.