Link it! Prior knowledge - Rivers - Year 3

Geography Resource Description
The 'Link it!' section of a Year 3 lesson plan invites children to connect their existing understanding of rivers with the new content they are about to learn. It is assumed that most children will have seen a river at some point and may be familiar with the name of the river that flows through their locality. Additionally, they might have heard of internationally renowned rivers such as the Nile or the Thames, which flows through London. This prior knowledge is an important foundation as it provides a personal connection to the topic and a starting point for deeper exploration.
Students are encouraged to document what they already know about rivers in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser. This exercise not only helps them to recognise their own learning but also enables the teacher to assess their current level of understanding. The lesson then progresses to focus on how rivers are formed, linking this new information to the children's prior knowledge within the same subject, knowledge from other subjects, and their own personal experiences. By drawing on these various connections, the lesson aims to create a more comprehensive and engaging learning experience for the students.