Cops and robbers - What do you know about rivers?

Geography Resource Description
The "Cops and Robbers" activity is an engaging educational game designed for Year 4 students to test and expand their knowledge about rivers. Initially, pupils are given two minutes to jot down everything they can recall about rivers in the 'Own recalled knowledge' column. This part of the task encourages them to draw upon their memory and understanding of how rivers are formed, their characteristics, and their significance.
Following this, the game introduces an interactive element where students have 60 seconds to 'steal' information from their peers. They can approach up to three classmates to view their answers and add any new or interesting facts to the 'Stolen knowledge' column on their own sheet. This collaborative approach not only makes learning fun but also helps students to learn from each other and recognize valuable information. Each plausible statement written down scores two points, incentivizing students to recall and share accurate information. The entire activity is designed to last around 15 minutes, providing a fast-paced and dynamic learning experience that reinforces their understanding of rivers.