Link it! Prior knowledge - London - Year 3

Geography Resource Description
When introducing the topic of London to Year 3 pupils, it's important to acknowledge and build upon their existing knowledge. Many children will already be familiar with London, either through stories, personal visits, or common knowledge. The city's iconic buildings and its significance as the capital of the United Kingdom may already be known to them. Additionally, the concept of monarchy, which is often associated with London, is likely to have been covered in Key Stage 1. The underground system, another hallmark of the city, may also be something that many pupils have heard of. Encouraging children to record what they already know about London in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser helps to establish a foundation for further learning.
The 'Link It!' section of the lesson plan encourages students to make connections between their prior knowledge of London and the new content they will learn. These connections can be drawn within the same subject, across different subjects, or from personal experiences. By doing so, children can better understand why London is the capital city and appreciate its multifaceted role in the United Kingdom's history, culture, and governance. This approach not only reinforces their pre-existing understanding but also paves the way for a more integrated and deeper learning experience about London's significance.