Start of Year Grammar and Punctuation Assessment Guidance

English Resource Description
The "Start of Year Grammar and Punctuation Assessment Guidance" is a comprehensive toolkit for teachers to assess the grammar and punctuation skills of Year 3 students at the beginning of the academic year. The guidance includes detailed instructions for administering the test, a mark scheme, and an analysis grid to identify areas where students may need additional support. It is recommended that the assessment be conducted within the first few weeks of the Autumn term, prior to commencing the Year 3 Grammar and Punctuation Programme. This early assessment allows teachers to identify and address any significant gaps in knowledge carried over from Key Stage 1.
The assessment covers a range of domains, including vocabulary, sentence functions, combining words, phrases and clauses, punctuation, verb forms, and grammatical terms and word classes. The guidance provides clear instructions for marking the test, with a focus on consistency and accuracy. It outlines what is acceptable and what is not for various question types, such as tick boxes, circling answers, drawing lines for matching, inserting punctuation, and spelling. The guidance also addresses how to handle additional punctuation, answers outside the expected space, multiple answers, handwriting, capital letters, and crossed-out responses. The aim of the assessment is to ensure a solid foundation in grammar and punctuation, setting students up for success in their subsequent learning.