Grammar Quiz 2

English Resource Description
The "Y3 Grammar Quiz 2" is a concise assessment tool created by KS2Gems in 2020 to help teachers quickly gauge the grammar knowledge of Year 3 students. Designed as a brief activity that should take no more than 10 minutes, it can conveniently fit at the beginning or end of a lesson. The quiz comprises 10 slides, each prompting students to write specific grammar elements on their whiteboards, such as questions, commands, adverbs, adjectives, and more, serving as a revision of previously taught grammar concepts.
Students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of various grammatical constructs by writing examples on their whiteboards. These tasks include writing questions, commands, adverbs indicating cause, and adjectives to describe a noun like 'snake'. They are also prompted to write conjunctions, common nouns, and sentences that incorporate a list, two adjectives, simple past tense, and a single clause. This variety of exercises provides a well-rounded quick assessment of the pupils' grammar skills, allowing the teacher to identify areas of strength and those needing further reinforcement.