Statutory Spellings List 7 Quiz

English Resource Description
The KS2Gems 2020 Year 3/4 Spelling Quiz 7 is a succinct PowerPoint activity designed to bolster children's mastery of statutory spelling words. The quiz is structured to be a brisk 5-10 minute exercise that requires no additional equipment for the students. The aim is to reinforce the spelling of statutory words or particular spelling rules and patterns that have been taught during the week. Furthermore, it serves as a tool to aid in the long-term retention of these spellings, consolidating learning well after the initial teaching session.
Throughout the quiz, students are prompted to select the correct spelling of a given word to complete various sentences. For instance, they must choose the correct spelling of 'occasionally' from options such as 'occasionally', 'occasionaly', and 'occaisionully' to correctly fill in the sentence "________, aliens visit the Earth." Similarly, they are tasked with identifying the correct spelling of 'library' from 'libary', 'libury', and 'librery' to complete the sentence "The ________ is full of great books." The quiz continues with a series of sentences, each designed to test the students' knowledge of the correct spellings of statutory words, such as 'minute', 'notice', 'material', 'occasion', 'medicine', 'naughty', 'mention', and 'natural', ensuring a comprehensive review of the statutory spelling list.