Spelling - Home learning - Sound or

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning - Sound or
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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For home learning, students are provided with differentiated spelling lists focusing on the sound "or". The lists include a selection of words that incorporate this sound, such as 'for', 'horse', 'sort', 'morning', and 'born', among others. Each list also presents a challenge word, 'according', for those students ready to extend their learning. Blank boxes are included for the addition of any extra words that educators may want the children to practice at home.

The 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' method is introduced as an effective strategy for learning these words. This technique encourages students to look at the word, say it aloud, cover it, write it down from memory, and then check to see if they have spelled it correctly, with space provided for any necessary corrections. Additionally, the 'Read and Match' activity allows students to engage with the words by reading them and using them in context. They are prompted to pick a word from the list and write their own sentence. For a fun twist on learning, a 'Real and Nonsense words' exercise challenges students to identify real words from a mix of real and nonsensical ones, encouraging them to apply their understanding of the "or" sound and to use one of the real words in a sentence, while marking the nonsense words with a cross.