Spelling - Home learning - Sound ee

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning - Sound ee
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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For home learning, students are provided with a series of spelling lists focusing on the sound "ee". Each list is accompanied by a challenge word, "cheetah", designed to extend the child's vocabulary. The lists include words such as "fee", "knee", "see", "weekly", "bee", "beehive", "three", "freeze", "beep", and "beetroot". To customise the learning experience, blank boxes are available for adding any additional words the children may need to practice. The structured approach encourages students to engage with each word through the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, and Check' method, enhancing their spelling proficiency and retention.

Moreover, the home learning activities incorporate exercises such as 'Read and Match', where students connect words to the correct pair, and writing tasks that prompt them to use a chosen word in a sentence, thereby applying their knowledge in context. For a fun twist, the 'Real and Nonsense words' activity challenges students to distinguish between actual words and made-up ones, promoting their ability to identify correct spellings and phonetic patterns. They are encouraged to write sentences with real words and to identify nonsense words by marking them, thus reinforcing their understanding of the "ee" sound in a variety of playful and educational ways.